Taiwan's Acer Inc. said it had reached an agreement to acquire Gateway Inc. in a deal that values the U.S. company at about $710 million and pushes Acer past Lenovo Group Ltd. as the world's No. 3 vendor of personal computers.
今回の買収によって誕生する新会社はLenovoを上回って世界第3位のPCメーカーが誕生することになるようだ。LenovoはLenovoでPackard Bellの買収に動いているようで、吸収合併によって規模の拡大を追求しているようだが、今回のAcer-Gatewayの合併はこれに冷や水を浴びせた格好だ。世界のPCメーカーの間では合従連衡による生き残り競争が起こっているようだ。
The deal appeared to mark a double blow to Lenovo, which has been the world's No. 3 PC vendor since buying the PC business of International Business Machines Corp. in 2005. Lenovo disclosed earlier this month that it is in talks to buy a stake in Packard Bell BV, a Netherlands-based PC maker. That deal was aimed at giving the Chinese company a leg up in the European consumer market, where Acer is especially strong.
The merger will result in reductions in per unit procurement and component costs, and also create an opportunity for the cross-selling of product portfolios, he added.
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