今日のEconomist Websiteのトップニュースは先の参議院選挙へのコメントだ。投票日となった29日夜は日本中のテレビが参議院選挙の報道で騒がしかったが、Economistの見方を通して海外から見た日本の姿を知るのも参考になろう。詳しいところは原文を読んでいただくとして、主なところを引用して要約させていただこう。(原文はこちら)
(Ichiro Ozawa) He was relentless in attacking the prime minister’s many weaknesses, starting with his sense of priorities. Where Mr Abe is obsessed with ideological matters, such as revising the pacifist constitution and instilling patriotism in schoolchildren, voters are concerned about money. In particular, while Tokyo, Osaka and other big cities are enjoying the fruits of economic recovery, rural regions continue to miss out. Mr Ozawa’s party targeted rural constituencies, emphasising inequality and the problems of small farmers, and the tactic paid off.
And at every turn, Mr Ozawa’s party attacked Mr Abe’s competence, an easy enough target perhaps. A string of ministerial scandals and verbal blunders during Mr Abe’s brief administration suggest poor judgment at least. At worst, Mr Abe’s choice of cabinet and his inability to impose discipline on it suggests he is not up to steering the ship of state.
That was a successful tactic for this election. The LDP lacks a leader like the last charismatic prime minister, Junichiro Koizumi, to persuade the people to stick with painful reforms. But it is hardly a long-term electoral strategy. As for Mr Ozawa himself: he shows no desire to be prime minister. On election night he did not even come out to thank voters. His party said Mr Ozawa, a former heavy smoker with heart problems, was unwell. Others more uncharitably put it down to arrogance.
With two deeply troubled parties a bleak period now beckons for Japanese politics as well as for the prospects for reform.
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