質問: 1994年から2001年までに創業されたドットコム企業のうち、破綻した企業は何割か?
あなたはどのくらいだと思いますか? 9割? 99%? もっと少ない???
答え: 約半分に過ぎない。
Of nearly 2,000 business-to-business (B2B) e-Marketplaces launched during the dot-com days, 55 percent remained active for at least two years after September 2002, when the Nasdaq hit its lowest point.
さらに、このリサーチの発端となったUniversity of MarylandのDAVID KIRSCH氏、BRENT D. GOLDFARB氏の論文によると、
Approximately 50,000 companies solicited venture capital to exploit the commercialization of the internet. Of these, less than 15% followed the GBF-model of venture-backed growth. Fewer than 500 companies (<1%) had an initial public offering. Within the larger set of initial entrants, however, the five-year survival rate was 48%.
our findings suggest underlying continuity in the exploitation of entrepreneurial opportunities arising from the diffusion of a new general purpose technology.
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