- ヘッジファンド、PEファンド、VCファンドのSECへの業者登録
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引用: Obama administration to tighten regulation on VCs?
VentureBeat 2009/3/26Venture capitalists may soon be facing more stringent reporting requirements, according to testimony from Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner today about the Obama administration’s plans to overhaul the country’s financial regulations.
But many details still need to be filled in, and there will probably be plenty of debate and revision before anything actually becomes law. Geithner’s proposal would (for the first time) require hedge fund, private equity, and venture capital fund advisers to register with the Securities and Exchange Commission, and to regularly report information so agencies can assess “whether the fund or fund family is so large or highly leveraged that it poses a threat to financial stability.”
Text of Geithner’s Testimony on Regulating Risk
WSJ, March 26, 2009
Hedge Funds and Other Private Pools of Capital
U.S. law generally does not require hedge funds or other private pools of capital to register with a federal financial regulator, although some funds that trade commodity derivatives must register with the CFTC and many funds register voluntarily with the SEC. As a result, there are no reliable, comprehensive data available to assess whether such funds individually or collectively pose a threat to financial stability. However, in the wake of the Madoff episode it is clear that, in order to protect investors, we must close gaps and weaknesses in regulation of investment advisors and the funds they manage.
Accordingly, we recommend that all advisers to hedge funds (and other private pools of capital, including private equity funds and venture capital funds) with assets under management over a certain threshold be required to register with the SEC. All such funds advised by an SEC-registered investment adviser should be subject to investor and counterparty disclosure requirements and regulatory reporting requirements. The regulatory reporting requirements for such funds should require reporting, on a confidential basis, information necessary to assess whether the fund or fund family is so large or highly leveraged that it poses a threat to financial stability. The SEC should share the reports that it receives from the funds with the entity responsible for oversight of systemically important firms, which would then determine whether any hedge funds could pose a systemic threat and should be subjected to the prudential standards outlined above.
ガイトナー氏のこの規制論議に対し、米国のVC業界からは反発の声が上がっている。NVCA(全米VC協会)のEmily Medell氏は「VCは(金業界全体からしたら)サイズは小さく、レバレッジはかけておらず、公開市場とも関係ない。むしろ政府はVCにスタートアップ企業への更なる投資を望んでいるはずだ。そのVCへ規制をかけることは、VCに重荷となるだけで、合理的な策とは思えない。」と語っている。もっともな反論だと思う。自由と規制のバランスはいつも難しいが、今は規制論が優勢であることは間違いなかろう。
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