NingというWebベンチャーがある。アメリカで「自分だけのSNSサイト」を構築するサービスを提供している。サークル仲間、同窓生、同業者など、誰でもSNSサイトを開設できるのだ。Netscapeの創業者Marc Andreesenが共同創業したことでも知られている。
Social network creator Ning raises $60M at $500M valuation
Make-your-own-social-network company Ning has raised a $60 million fourth round of funding.
Co-founder Marc Andreessen, who also founded Netscape, says the funding came at a whopping $500 million pre-money valuation. That’s almost three times the Palo Alto, Calif. startup’s $170 million valuation back in July, when it raised a $44 million third round. Even back then, Ning was something of a poster child for huge (and, some argued, overinflated) Web 2.0 valuations. With the economic downturn, we thought the days of such valuations were over, but it looks like we were wrong.
It’s not clear what Ning, which allows you to create and customize your own social network, is going to do with all this cash, since social network companies don’t usually need a lot of capital. On the other hand, its traffic has been growing like crazy — between February of 2007 and 2008, traffic increased by 4,803 percent, to 4 million visits. And Randy Befumo, research director at previous Ning investor Legg Mason Opportunity Trust, has said the company needs money to build the infrastructure for growth.
Venture Beatの記者も同じ疑問を呈している。どうやらNingはトラフィックが急増(1年間で49倍)しており、設備増強が必要になったようだと報じている。
We raised the money to enable us to keep scaling given our accelerating growth (over 230,000 networks on Ning now, growing at over 1,000 per day) and to make sure we have plenty of firepower to survive the oncoming nuclear winter. At current growth rates, we don’t need it to get to cash flow positive, but having lived through the last crunch, it’s good to be conservative with these things.
興味深いのは、"we don't need it to get to cash flow positive"、つまりまだキャッシュ・ポジティブな状態にするよりも、高い成長を維持していくほうが大事だと述べている点だ。アメリカのベンチャーに典型的な考え方だ。
このように米Webベンチャーの世界は、アイデアやFirst Moverであることが重要成功要因だった時代から、経営資源の規模が成功要因となる時代、つまり体力勝負の時代に移りつつあるということなのではないかと考えている。
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