KPCB - Kleiner, Perkins, Caufield & ByersのJohn DoerrがHillary Clintonを支援しているらしい。どうやらアメリカ合衆国の政策に影響を与え、クリーンテックの産業育成を図っているようだ。
High-profile Silicon Valley venture capitalist John Doerr endorsed Sen. Hillary Clinton for president today.
Doerr has been influential in Democratic presidential politics for the past decade, as a supporter and key fundraiser for Bill Clinton and then Al Gore in their presidential runs. In a news release issued by the Clinton campaign, Doerr, who is a partner at Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers, said he and wife Ann have "respect for Hillary's forward-looking agenda in energy, innovation, health care and the economy."
DoerrはこれまでもBill ClintonやAl Goreに資金提供し、民主党の大統領選に影響を及ぼしてきたようだ。そのDoerrが今度はヒラリーを支援している。曰く、「ヒラリーはエネルギー、技術革新、ヘルスケア、経済といった分野に対して見識を持っている」と褒めているとのことだ。
Doerr,,, ,,, has lately focused on clean-tech investments.
In the statement, citing the urgency of addressing global warming and developing sound energy policies, Doerr said Clinton "will assemble a world-class team to tackle these incredibly important issues."
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