Facebookの創業者であるMark ZuckerbergらHarvard大学の学生は、創業資金を得るために地元ボストンの郊外に拠点を構える著名VCのBattery Venturesに投資の相談をしたが、Batteryからは断わられてしまっていた。最初の資金調達に失敗したわけだ。しかし、Facebookはその後も大きく成長し、昨年はYahooらと10億ドル(約1120億円)での買収の可能性が取りざたされたされるまでになった。この買収話は結局Facebookがこれを却下してベンチャーの道を続けることになり、2007年は売上高1.5億ドル(約160億円)、時価総額に至っては100億ドル(1.1兆円)という強気な発言が出るくらいまで成長した(出典)。創業期の投資を却下したBatteryは大きな魚を逃してしまったわけだ。
... Zuckerberg said he thought Facebook was worth about $15 million, and was willing to accept an investment ranging from $1 million to $3 million, which would have given Battery a substantial chunk of the start-up.
But Battery had already made an investment in an earlier social networking site, Friendster, which was foundering. Zuckerberg struck some partners at the firm as a little too brash. And no one was sure whether Facebook would appeal to anyone oth er than college students, its target.
時は2004年4月、Facebookは創業に必要な資金の出資者を探していた。創業者のZuckerbergは地元VCの雄、Battery Ventureのシニア・アソシエイトと接触しており、時価総額US$15百万ドル(約17億円)でUS$1~3百万ドルの出資をBatteryから受けたいと考えていたようだ。
There were also turf issues with Battery's Silicon Valley office, which had invested in Friendster. "There was a question about whether we on the East Coast side were going to lead an investment with a sophomore in college who was considering a move to the West," says the senior associate.
Through a chance connection, Zuckerberg was introduced to Peter Thiel, a cofounder of the online payment system PayPal, who was running a hedge fund called Clarium Capital. He met with Thiel in August, at Thiel's office in downtown San Francisco.
Thiel had also been an investor in Friendster, and he knew that the conventional wisdom was that all the social networking sites "were just fads that would come and go," he says. Thiel listened to Zuckerberg's pitch in the morning, asked him to go out and grab lunch, and by the time Zuckerberg returned in the afternoon, "we said we'd invest, and we agreed to the basic valuation parameters," Thiel says.
"It seemed like a good company," he said, adding, "Most of the time, we're not that fast."
Thiel put in $500,000 of his own money in return for 10 percent of the company.
Facebook創業者らは、西海岸に引っ越した後、人脈をたどり、PayPalの創業者で当時はヘッジファンドを運用していたPeter Thielと出会う。Thielは「いい会社だと思った」といい、即座に50万ドル投資して10%の株主となった。創業者らと午前中にミーティングし、そのままランチに一緒に出かけて、その場で投資を約束したという(やや誇張もあるのではないかと思うが、、、)
こうしてFacebookは創業資金を獲得し、その後著名VCのAccel Partnersからも出資を受けて今日に至る。そのAccelもこう言っている。
"Facebook was perhaps the most controversial deal we've done in several years," says Jim Breyer of Accel Partners. "Some of my best friends in the business were wondering why we'd write a check to a company that had very little defensibility to their business." Indeed, anyone could potentially build a better site and lure Facebook's users away.
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