2007年第1四半期のベンチャー投資動向がVenture Oneから発表された。ヘルスケア、クリーンテックが増え、IT関連が減少したというものだ。 Venture Beatの記事を引用して、まずIT系から見ていくと、
Venture capitalists gave 16 percent less to companies in the IT industry, however — they invested less money into software, semiconductors and Internet infrastructure companies. Web 2.0 companies, however, appear to have drawn more money than ever. See table below. Web 2.0 companies are part of the “Information services” category, which saw $722 million, up from $659 million during the first quarter of last year.
Alternative energy and other clean technology companies also saw a boost. Venture capitalists invested $237.0 million into ten “alternative energy” deals, up from $53.8 million in six deals. They invested $54 million into eight “environmental” companies in the first quarter, compared to just $4 million invested in one deal a year ago, the data showed.
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